Facebook credentials phishing scheme

Trying to trick users into giving up their Facebook usernames (i.e. emails) and passwords by making them believe they have won a prize is a well-known tactic employed by online criminals.

This latest one should raise some well-deserved suspicion, since it definitely falls in the too-good-to-be-true category of online schemes:

$200,000,000! Why, how tempting! It seems to me that, by now, there should not be a single person who would fall for such a scheme, yet – there must be some, since they continue to plague the Internet.

Sunbelt‘s Chris Boyd encountered this particular one while he was trying to access a legitimate application on Facebook. Out of curiosity, he clicked on the green check button and, sure enough, the user is required to give up his or hers account data in order to claim the “winnings” .

Nothing new under the sun, then. But wait! Boyd followed pop-up window the day after in order to see if Facebook had done something about the scheme – and they did. The link has been redirected to a warning page that advises users who have fallen for the scheme to reset their account password.

Unfortunately for Facebook, the offending pop-up window still appears – OVER the warning:

I guess that some warning is better than no warning, but Facebook should look into fixing the situation for good.

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