Watch the winning videos of college student security awareness contest

The EDUCAUSE/Internet2 Computer and Network Security Task Force, the National Cyber Security Alliance, and ResearchChannel have announced six winners of a computer security awareness video contest, as part of a national campaign to raise awareness of and increase computer security at colleges and universities.

The contest drew video submissions on cyber security issues from a wide array of colleges and universities throughout the country. Using lively vignettes and campus-based scenarios, the short videos and public service announcements explain computer security problems and actions students should take to safeguard their computers and personal information.

“We are encouraging colleges and universities to incorporate these student videos into their orientation programs for first-year students and ongoing security awareness campaigns for returning students,” said Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE government relations officer and security task force coordinator. “Since the largest group falling victim to identity theft is men and women between the ages of 18 and 29, it is important for college and university students to understand the risks of being online and how to protect their personal information, computer, and campus networks.”

This year’s winners include:

— “Avoid Infection” by Joseph Ellis and Eric Collins, University of Delaware
— “Whoa, That’s Awkward” by Evan Michals, Dartmouth College
— “When You Least Expect It” by Nolan Portillo, California State University – Bakersfield
— “Identity Theft for Criminals” by Scott Polcyn and Daniel Garcia, University of Central Florida
— “Out in the Open” by Mark Lancaster, Texas A&M University
— “A Short Film About Data Protection” by Chris Herbein, Guy Hershberger, Joseph Iacona, Joshua Bucknor, and Maurizio Bertone, Pennsylvania College of Technology

These videos are now available for free download from ResearchChannel at for colleges, universities, and other organizations to broadcast, make available for downloading, and use in security orientations, sports halftime events or however they see fit.

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